
Thursday, May 07, 2009

adoyai ShiUkuRi

letih aku menjawap,panjang bebenor ha!

What cloth you wearing now?
shirt sudeyhhhhhh

What colour is it?
white(febreto d'amore)

When your last meet with someone you love?
baru je td,siap peluk cium lg...hahaha. skg die lam bilik ngan tdo.

Do you want to meet him/her again?
him and her? yes! 2bulan cuti ni aku nak duk ngan deme je!

What the last thing you eat?
bege daging roti kasik penyek 1!

sky jus! adoi,dahege lakkk

Favourite food?
megi goreng indomee

Favourite drinks?

Favourite colours?
white,sesuci hatiku(sape nak muntah silekannn) hahaha

Favourite place to be?
beranda umah aku,nak mlepak tgk ayam,dak2 ngah lari,o makcik2 dtg ngumpat kat kedai ayah aku.

Favourite song?
from jason mraz,only human

Are you happy with your given name?
opkos! norizan,even cam name2 mak org tapi aku sukeeeeeeeeeee

What is the one thing you like to do alone?
sob3~ melayan pic2 lame,syahdu dowh

What’s a major fear or yours?

Do you know anyone famous?
yup,tapi diorg tak knl pon aku,hahaha

Describe your bed.
sok aku bgtaw,skg aku tdo atas tilam je,tumpang umah akak aku

What do you carry with you at all times?
spek o lence

Do you prefer to stand out or blend in

What kind of first impression do you think you give people?
ok la kot..

Favorite communication method?
calling2! mls aku nak taip2 msg ni...(cakap cam banyak kdt,topup pon mls,hahaha)

What is your hidden talent?
sing! but aku je yg rase sedap,mak aku dengar siap mintak akak aku angkat kaen kat ampai lg.

Do you own a Bible?
ape kejadahnye tu? haremmmmmmmm

Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?
selambek,tak cye tye r8 aku,depan laki gilo ke nak buek!

What should you be doing instead of this?
tdo-ing. mate berat ni

Who was the last person who called you?
ajo ma kezen

Are you ready?
tak baru nak masuk bilik air td

What is the last gift you gave someone?
slipe pink aku kat kak farid.huuhu...rindu!

Does everything happen for a reason?
nope,sumtime its juz happen

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
korg rase? hehehe

Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?
ado jo,pompuan ley kannn

Do you cry in front of your friends?
bff je k.

Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?
future hubby aku myb kot,tak kompen aku nak save wat pe,naye je mati katak.

do you have any married friends?

Do you like thunderstorms?

What was your first job?
ceti harem

What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you in the past week?
aku stadi bagai nak gile! pelik tuuuu...

You have a crush, don’t you?
yup! alamekkkk,nape de soklan ni...hahaha

haish! sebok je la ko!

Do you talk a lot?
tak,aku ni pendiam gler........tak cye? bagos! aku tipu!

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
atee(soh tdo atas tilam.)

What are your plans for the weekend?

How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?
free,ade kene amek taw ke?

Where’s your ideal marriage location?
lam laut,aku nak masuk lam laut ngan baju2 kawen aku tu. hahaha

How long have you known your best friends?
since tadika de,since matrik ade,kat ukm pon ade

What are you listening to?
now? bunyi kipas.

What was the last thing you laughed at?
lam bilik ngan akak r8 aku n kwn2 die.

What do you wish you were doing right now?
nak makan tomyam!

What musical instrument do you wish you could play?
gitar,sape nak ajar aku.teringin la plak.

If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?

People I would like to tag?
apis(bukan name sebenar)


  1. benci2..
    tak suke tag!

  2. tak suke takyah jawap topex

  3. nanti ko x sayang aku lak..:S
    haha~ (gedik sket. tiru cam izan)

  4. yes!
    so,sila jawap ka topex...

    -->aku da stat menggedix ke topex?

  5. panjang bebenor tagged tu.....

    leh wat novel bertajuk "AKU KENA TAGGED!!!"

  6. ley gak tuuuu...
    cadangan yg bernas gituuuuu...


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